Our services

Increase your visibility with our service offers

Benefit from our service expertise to increase your engagement and your notoriety but also promote recruitment and meetings with your targets.

A rich and complete range to support young people from high school to their first job.

Our promise : to be your privileged partner to meet your communication needs with 15-25 years old.

the reference media for information and free services around education and guidance for young people aged 15 to 25 for 50 years.

+ 110

student fairs

each year in France

4,3 M


on letudiant.fr

800 K

optin BtoC


+ 1 M

visitors expected

omnichannel (fairs and platform)

*monthly average. Source: Google Analytics 22-23

Our expertise at your service.

French Students abroad

Every year, an increasing number of French students want to study abroad: - 99,448 French students students worldwide. - France ranks 6th among host and departure country. (Source: Campus France, march 2021).

International mobility has become an imperative for many young French students, as evidenced by a recent survey conducted among our Internet users (June 2021): - 95% wish to study abroad - 21% in Canada - 19% in United States - 12% in United Kingdom.

Explore our diverse range of skills tailored to meet your specific requirements.

Découvrez nos offres de services

À votre service depuis 50 ans, l’Etudiant est un acteur incontournable pour communiquer et rencontrer votre cible. Découvrez nos offres et services adaptés à tous vos besoins